Finding a job is tough!  

We’re in the business of connecting the right candidates with the right employers. We encounter many candidates daily, and everyone has their own thoughts on the “do’s and don’ts” when it comes to resumes, applications, networking, key words, etc. It can be frustrating for candidates to be confronted with a sea of people telling them differing things to do and then they must decipher what is right and wrong. What a challenge!

At Padilla Talent, we want to make sure that we aren’t adding to that noise. Our goal here is to address tips and tools that you can use to help your odds in landing your next gig. There is no one size fits all, everyone has their own way of doing things and it’s great to be unique and show that to employers. For example, someone working in design will have a unique resume compared to most, but that is required since they must showcase their skills, and without doing so, well… Good luck with getting that next job. Resumes don’t have to be complicated, but they do need to be optimized. Key words are your friend, and most recruiters will utilize key words to find and qualify good candidates. These days, short resumes don’t cut it, and we recommend you showcase your skills and accomplishments, even if it takes you to a second or third page. Recruiters may say “keep it short” or “keep it detailed and it’s ok if it’s longer”. There really isn’t a right answer here. Just make sure the information you’re presenting on your resume is relevant to the job you’re applying for and detailed enough for employers and recruiters to understand the scope of your abilities. Even if you have a bit more detail on your resume, recruiters have enough tools to look through your resume quickly and analyze the information, they will know if you are the right candidate for the role.  

Additionally, these days it’s imperative for everyone to be growing their networks. People have drifted away from community and have fallen into being individuals. Some think, they don’t need anyone because they can do it on their own. However, this mentality is a detriment to your success and ability to land jobs. Build your network and join a community, whatever that is. Doing this may give you the chance to get into a position you never thought was possible.  

Finally, we wanted to share some ideas that can truly make a difference in your job-hunting experience: 

  1. Make sure that you’re keeping your LinkedIn up to date. If you keep your LinkedIn up to date you can use the LinkedIn resume builder tool to get a PDF copy any time.  
  2. Keep up with key words and use Google to validate top trending key words in your career field, and make sure they are highlighted on your LinkedIn profile, resume, and comments/interactions on social media.
  3. If you are currently working, make sure to add new skills, technologies, and opportunities to your resume in real time. If you wait till you don’t have a job or till you are looking to make a jump, it can be hard to go back and remember everything you did.
  4. Add connections – Grow your network!
  5. Engage with your network and online/in-person communities (comment, like, share, and be part of conversation).
  6. Find five recruiters that you trust and work with them. Ask them for assistance on your resume or strategy when looking for work. Better yet, if you’re working with a recruiting firm ask them to represent you and share with them roles that you’re interested in, they might have connections at that company or may be able to build a relationship with that employer by presenting your resume to them. Recruiting firms are aggressive and aren’t shy to bridge gaps, if you’re not that person then find people that are and help them help you.  

If you have questions, let us know! We work with candidates in all industries and genuinely want people to succeed. Whether you’re a candidate or a hiring manager, we want to hear from you!

Written by: the Padilla Talent Solutions Team

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